Technical conditions 

Technical conditions (TC) are the technical requirements of the Transmission system operator (TSO) and/or Distribution system operator (DSO) the fulfillment of which is necessary for connection of the facility to the power grids. The TC are an integral annex to the Grid connection agreement (GCA).

IKNET provides services for obtaining optimal TC for connection of the Customer’s facility to external power grids.

Experts of our company analyze the existing electricity grids in the area of the Customer’s facility to determine the optimal option for connection f the facility to the electricity grid.

Also, IKNET provides services for analyzing received TCs, in particular, the scope of power grid construction and reconstruction.

In order to obtain the Grid connection agreement and TC it is necessary to submit to the DSO/TSO an application for grid connection which contains the following data:

Information about the customer

Capacity of the facility

Commissioning schedule

Operation mode

and etc.

Following documents are attached to the application:
  • Site layout plan and extract from the topographic and geodesic plan at a scale of 1:2000 where the facility location is specified
  • Copy of the document confirming the ownership or right of use of the facility, or in absence thereof, a copy of the document confirming the ownership or right of use of the land plot
  • Feasibility study (if necessary)
  • Copy of power of attorney authorizing the signatory person to enter into agreements
  • load calculation of the architectural object (new apartment building) or developed design documentation for internal power grids (for increase in the capacity of an apartment building)
  • Single-line diagram of the grid connection for power generation and existing auxiliary consumption
  • Copy of taxpayer certificate (unified tax or VAT)
  • Informational certificate stating the existence or absence of intentions to participate in the auction for the distribution of the annual support quota (for RES producers)

In the case of connection of a SPP, ESS or electrical charging station located on/in architectural objects (roof, facade, etc.), telecommunication equipment on the architectural object, following must be attached to the application for connection:

In case of intention to connect the industrial park to the grid, the application shall be submitted with the following documents:

In case of an intention of connecting a small distribution system (SDS) created on a limited territory of a facility and/or land plot, graphic materials indicating the limited territory of the facility and/or land plot on which the SDS is to be created shall be attached to the application.

In the case of connection to the electrical grids of a business entity or owner of the electrical grids that is not an electricity consumer (except for the DSO), to the application for connection must be attached technical requirements and/or initial data received from the business entity or owner of the electrical grids

Structure of technical conditions for connecting of objects to electric networks:

  • The names of the Facility and the Customer
  • Facility location, functionality, year of prospective commissioning
  • Existing authorized (connected) load, maximum estimated (forecast) load, category of power supply reliability
  • Installed capacity of electric heating units Schedule of capacity commissioning by years
  • Power supply source
  • Capacity ensuring point
  • Point of connection
  • Estimated value of the short-circuit current at the Customer's connection point
  • Projected boundaries of balance and operational responsibility
  • EIC code of the commercial metering site
  • Technical requirements for power electrical facilities of the Customer
  • Technical requirements for power electrical facilities of the TSO/DSO
  • Bank details of the Customer and the TSO/DSO

Depending on the type of connection of the facility to the power grids, there are two kinds of Technical Conditions:

Standard connection

Connection of the Customer's electrical installation with the following parameters:

≤ 50 kW

Capacity up to 50 kW

≤ 300 m

Distance between power supply point to grid connection point up to 300 meters in a straight line

Responsibilities of the Customer:
  • Application for connection
  • Payment of the connection fee
Responsibilities of the DSO:
  • Preparation and issuance of technical conditions , including requirements for the installation of a commercial metering unit
  • Preparation of technical specifications for designing
  • Design of grid connection (until the grid connection point of Customer’s facility)
  • Construction, installation and commissioning
  • Installation of metering system (upon Customer’s request this might be done by an independent service provider)

100% of Customer’s funds in the form of connection fee (in accordance with the current rates of standard connection of NERCPU)

Non-standard connection

Connection of the Customer's electrical facility that satisfies one of the following parameters:

> 50 kW

Capacity over 50 kW

> 300 m

Distance between power supply point to grid connection point over 300 meters in a straight line

Uc ≠ Us

Voltage level in the connection point is different from in the power supply point

Also, all connections of power generating facilities of any capacity are considered non-standard connections.

According to current legislation, all electricity producers are classified into the following types:


Grid connection under 110 kV and capacity up to 1 MW


Grid connection under 110 kV and capacity over 1 MW and up to 20 MW


Grid connection under 110 kV and capacity over 20 MW and up to 75 MW


Grid connection at 110 kV and higher; or capacity over 75 MW

The DSO is allowed to render the non-standard grid connection service “turn-key” or with the Customer’s design of linear part in case of construction of the Customer's facility with a capacity of up to 400 kW.

A non-standard turn-key connection service involves the DSO carrying out a set of works that corresponds to a standard connection and is performed according to the same procedure.

In case of connection to DSO grid:
Responsibilities of the Customer:
  • Grid connection application
  • Development and approval of design documentation (linear part, in case the Customer takes it under his responsibility)
  • Construction from grid connection point to the facility
  • Payment of the connection fee

In the case of connection of a generation facility with a capacity of more than 20 MW, the Customer must develop a feasibility study for it.

Responsibilities of the DSO:
  • Preparation and issuance of Terms of reference for grid connection design and TC; provision of input data for the design of the linear part of grid connection by the Customer; identification of the nearest connection point in the existing grids, or its alternative
  • Development and approval of design documentation (except for the linear part of the connection in case the DSO performs it)
  • Construction, installation, testing, start-up and commissioning, up to the Customer's grid connection point

At the request of the Customer, DSO provide free initial data for the development of the feasibility study.


100% of Customer’s funds in the form of connection fee (in accordance with the current rates of non-standard connection of NERCPU).

In case of connection to TSO grid:
Responsibilities of the Customer:
  • Grid connection application
  • Feasibility study development  (if required)
  • Development and approval of design documentation (for the whole external grid connection of Customer’s facility)
  • Construction from grid connection point to the facility
  • Payment of the connection fee
Responsibilities of the TSO:
  • Identification of power supply point for the Customer's facility
  • preparation and issuance of TC
  • Approval of project design prepared by the Customer
  • Construction, installation, test, start-up and commissioning, until the Customer’s grid connection point

100% of Customer’s funds in the form of connection fee (in accordance with the design documentation).