Solar power plants with capacity 91 МW (Dnipropetrovska region)

Essence of the Project: construction of a solar power plants with capacity up to 91 МW in Dnipropetrovsk region.

Solar power plants with capacity 91 МW (Dnipropetrovska region)

Works executed by IKNET:

  • analysis of the electrical grids within the territory of land plots location, selection and analysis of optimal land plots for solar power plant construction;
  • determination of the optimal possibility of paralell operation of the solar power plant with United Energy System of Ukraine, including the required amount of electricity grid construction and estimated cost;
  • development of the feasibility study "The scheme of power output of solar power plants with total capacity up to 91 MW in Zhovti Vody, Dnipropetrovsk region";
  • The feasibility study was agreed with "DTEK Dniprooblenergo" and SE "NEC "Ukrenergo";
  • projects for the construction of solar power plants have been developed.

At present two solar power plants have been put into operation.