On - site solar power plant, 27 МW (Skadovsky District, Kherson Region)

Construction of the on-site photo-electric solar power plant (SPP) is foreseen in Skadovsky District of the Kherson Region. Capacity of the 1st turn of SPP makes 9 MW; gradual increase of the SPP capacity is foreseen to 27 MW (2nd turn).

The following set of works is executed by our company in this project:

  • Feasibility Study (FS) "Capacity output scheme of the solar power plant located nearby Lazurnoye and Bolshevik villages of Skadovsky District, Kherson Region, with the gradual increase of the SPP capacity to 27 MW";
  • obtained corresponding approvals of FS in South Power System of NPC "Ukrenergo" and PJSC "PC "Khersonoblenergo";
  • obtained Technical Requirements for engineering ensuring of power supply at PJSC "PC "Khersonoblenergo" for developing of the Detailed Design and construction of capacity output scheme of 27 MW SPP.
35 kV electrical substation constructed on the SPP  1st turn - 9 MW SPP