Engineering complex with installed system of biogas collection from SDW landfill for electricity production with capacity of 1063 kW (Borispil district, Kyiv region)

Essence of the Project: construction of the engineering complex with installed system of biogas collection from SDW landfill for electricity production. The facility is located at the territory of Glyboke village council of Borispil district, Kyiv region. Power generating capacity of the facility is 1063 kW.

Works executed by EC NET:

  • Estimation of the tariff for power energy production;
  • Preparation and processing of all necessary documents in order to approve "green" tariff at the NERC.

NERC Decree dated 25.04.2013 on approving of the "green" tariff has been issued as a result of the provided services.

In Ukraine this is the first biogas project where the electricity producer obtained the "green" tariff rate of 1.62 UAH / kW • h.

The project was implemented at the initiative of foreign investors.

Engineering complex with installed system of biogas collection from SDW landfill for electricity production with capacity of 1063 kW (Borispil district, Kyiv region) Энергоузел: трансформаторная подстанция и генерирующая установка