Agroindustrial complex for storage and processing of agricultural production constructed at Dymerka village, Brovary district, Kyiv region. Maximal estimated loading is 2 200 kW of I and ІІ categories.
Works executed by IKNET in the frame of this project:
- Development and approval of the Detailed Design of external supply circiut in PJSC "AES Kyivoblenergo";
- Construction of 35/10 kV SS with two 35/10 kV power transformers with capacity of 2×4,0 MVA;
- Reconstruction of 110/35/10 kV SS “Coca-Cola” with substitution of two existing power transformers with capacity of 2×16 MVA;
- Construction of line to 35 kV OHL Coca-Cola – Kniagichi to 35 kV switchgear of the new 35/10 kV SS;
- Connection of brunch 35 kV SS “Litky” to 35 kV switchgear of the new 35/10 kV SS.
Nowadays, newly constructed 35/10 kV SS is put into operation. Full term of realization of all set of works is 6 months only.