Construction of the on-site modular solar power plant 25 MW SPP is foreseen in Ivankiv District of the Kyiv Region.
In frames of the Project IK NET executed the following activities:
- Selection of the land lot for construction of the 25 MW SPP;
- Determination of Technical possibility of connection of the SPP with capacity of 25 MW to the power grids of PJSC "AES Kyivoblenergo";
- Developing of Land allocation design;
- Land lot use purpose is changed to the "power energy lands";
- Concluded long-term agreement on lease of the land;
- Developed Project Business Model for construction of the 5 MW SPP (I stage);
- Developed of FS on capacity output scheme for 25 MW SPP;
- Obtaining of the corresponding approvals of the FS on capacity output scheme for SPP at Central Power System and PJSC "AES Kyivoblenergo".