On - site solar power plant, 7 МW (Khrystynivka District, Cherkasy Region)

Сonstruction of on-site solar power plant (SPP) is foreseen near the Village Verhnyachka in Khrystynivka District of the Cherkasy Region. Rated capacity of SPP makes 7 MWp.

In frames of the Project our company executed the following:

  • developed Bussines Model of the Project;
  • developed Feasibility Study (FS) of capacity output scheme of 7 MW SPP and approved it in PJSC "Cherkasyoblenergo", Central and Dnipro Power Systems of NPC "Ukrenergo";
  • obtained Technical Requirements (TR) for grid connection of SPP in PJSC "Cherkasyoblenergo";
  • approval of TR in PJSC "Cherkasyoblenergo"and Central Power System NEC "Ukrenergo".