Ukraine's Energy Sector. Results 2015

On 16 th of July 2015 Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine regarding the maintenance of competitive conditions of electricity generation from alternative energy sources" came into force

changes of green tariff. Ukraine

In order to improve the "Procedure for sale, accounting and payments for electricity generated from solar energy by power plants (generating units) of private households", and to bring it into line with current legislation changes were foreseen. NKREKU draft resolution on 26.08.15  

At the moment, the resolution is not approved, and it leads clarity of the procedure for obtaining a "green" tariff for private households.

green tariff for private households.Ukraine

On 26 th of February 2015  The National Commission for State regulation in Energy and Utilities adopted a resolution №220 "On establishing the tariffs for electricity that is released to the population", according to which expected to increase tariffs until 2017

tariffs on electricity for households in Ukraine

On 26 th of February 2015  The National Commission for State regulation in Energy and Utilities adopted a resolution №221 "On Amendments to the Procedure for the application of tariffs for electricity". It provides for the replacement coefficient for multitariff counter from "0.7" to "0.5". 

This change allows to reduce the cost of electricity consumed during the night twice

multi-tariff accounting of electricity in Ukraine

Commissioning of the line from Rivne nuclear power station to substation "Kyivska" and branch of overhead line 750 kV from Khmelnitsky nuclear power station to substation "Kyivska", the construction of which is carried out by loans of the European bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) and European Investment Bank (EIB). It allows the transmission of excessive power for the Western region from Rivnenska and Khmelnitska nuclear power plant in the amount of 700 MW to the deficit Central region (Kyiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv and Kyiv region).26 th of February 2015  The National Commission for State regulation in Energy and Utilities adopted a resolution №221 "On Amendments to the Procedure for the application of tariffs for electricity". 
It provides for the replacement coefficient for multitariff counter from "0.7" to "0.5". This change allows to reduce the cost of electricity consumed during the night twice http://

 line 750 kV in Ukraine

Commissioning of the third hydro unit of the Dniester hydroelectric pumped storage effected on 21st of December, 2015 in Novodnistrovsk. 
Dniester HPS is one of the largest and most scale infrastructure energy facility, which is implemented in Ukraine in the last 10 years. It proved that Ukrainians are able on their own force and expense to build a station of this scale.

Dniester hydroelectric pumped storage in Ukraine

The introduction of new capacities of wind power plants in Ukraine in 2015 slowed down almost 8 times compared to 2014 year (from 126 MW to 16 MW) because of the Crimea annexation and prolonged fighting in the Donbas.

 wind power plants in Ukraine in 2015

In order to limit consumption of natural gas during 2015 about 77 thousand loans were issued by banks in the amount of more than $ 48 million for the purchase "non-gas" boilers, as well as energy-efficient equipment and materials.

 loans on heat in Ukraine

During the year, the number of charging stations for electrocar in Kyiv has increased by 10 times - up to 32 stations. At the same time for 2016 it is planned to install 30 additional gas stations in Kyiv, 15 Odesa and 5 in Lviv. Firstly, was abolished import duties on electric cars (previously at 10%). Secondly, was cancelled the additional import fee of 5%. 

All this will lead to a significant reduction of price for electric cars on the Ukrainian market and their popularization.

electric vehicles in Ukraine

On 11 th of September 2015  the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine promised to simplify the procedure of joining to power grids for customers;jsessionid=97989B92AA421C6B16DBAEAFD7B76860.app1 - 15 days connection period.

connection to the grid

Starting from 01.01.2015, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Electric Power Industry" http:// – was increased capacity from 16 kW to 50 kW for the standard connection.








