Grid connection from 1 January 2013

Changes in Ukrainian legislation concerning connection to power networks

Starting from 01.01.2013 will be introduced changes concerning payment (fee) for connection of electricity facilities to power networks (the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine on payment for connection of natural monopolies to power networks” dated 22.06.2012 No. 5021-VI).

The Law of Ukraine “On electricity” defines the following types of connection:

  • standard connection – less than 160 kW;
  • non-standard connection - above 160 kW;
  • connection of alternative energy facilities;
  • connection of constructions, where is foreseen location of housing.

Non-standard connection

Cost of non-standard connection shall be defined by design and estimation documentation in accordance to capacity which shall be connected in proportion to capacity value foreseen by the project, which might be connected additionally (reserve capacity).

Customer’s obligations in case of non-standard connection:

  • Providing of development of design and estimation documentation;
  • Payment of connection fee.

Financing of non-standard connection shall be executed by means of:

  • Customers funds received as payment for connection;
  • Payment for connection of other Customers, which will be connected to the same point of capacity ensuring (if any);
  • As component of the tariff on electricity transmission (on term up to 5 years);
  • Return financial support, which might be provided by the customer.

The source of return financial support is:

  • Payment for connection of other customers, which are connecting to the same point of capacity ensuring;
  • Component of the tariff on electricity transmission (on term up to 5 years).

Connection of alternative energy facilities

Development of design and estimation documentation for connection of alternative energy facilities is obligation of the Transmission System Operator (TSO).

Financing of development of design and estimation documentation for connection of alternative energy facilities shall be executed by means of:

  • Component of the tariff on electricity transmission and/or
  • Financial support, which might be provided by the customer.

Financing of the alternative energy facilities shall be executed by means of:

  • Component of the tariff on electricity transmission (50 % value in term up to 10 years);
  • Return financial support, which might be provided by the customer (50 % value).

