How the state provides incentives or “stimuli” for the development of highly maneuverable generation (HMG). Part 4

How the state provides incentives or “stimuli” for the development of highly maneuverable generation (HMG). Part 4:
As of now, we record what incentives for HHG have been recently provided by the state:
1. Setting a fixed gas price at UAH 16500 including VAT per 1000 cubic meters of gas
2. Increase the price cap on the day-ahead market, intraday market and balancing market
3. Introduction of the concept of Consumer and/or active consumer who can install generating facilities
(Section IV of the Distribution Systems Code)
4. Installation of WTGs without land allocation and not subject to environmental impact assessment
5. Simplified procedure for connecting to power grids during martial law
6. Simplified procedure for connection to gas distribution networks during martial law

