Wind power plants construction in Ukraine

Project description
The aim of the project is to construct an industrial wind power plant (WPP) and to sell the generated electricity under a FIT ("green" tariff) to the State Enterprise "Guaranteed Buyer".
Industrial WPPs consist of interconnected wind turbine generators (WTG) that produce electricity by transforming kinetic to electric power.
Our services
We offer the following range of services for the development of wind power plants:

  • Project concept (preliminary yield assessment, pre-feasibility of grid connection etc.);
  • Choice of project location;
  • Wind measurement campaign;
  • Feasibility studies (micrositing, ESIA, topo surveys and geotechnical studies);
  • Land rights securing;
  • Grid impact study and grid connection feasibility study;
  • Reception of Technical conditions for grid connection;
  • Project design;
  • Choice and supply of main project equipment;
  • Construction, test & start-up, commissioning;
  • Follow-up of administrative procedures – electricity generation license, feed-in-tariff, PPA.



Rules of the Electricity market
Generation and sale of electricity produced from wind power is a licensed activity in Ukraine. The electricity generation license, as well as the "green" tariff for each wind power plant is approved by the NEURC – National commission for regulation of electricity and utilities sectors.
Sale of produced electricity
The Ukrainian state guarantees the buy-out of electricity produced by wind power plants, under the feed-in tariff or the auction price (when applicable), for the whole duration of feed-in tariff or state support of green auctions.
WPPs can sell electricity to the Guaranteed buyer under "green" tariff under following conditions:

  • WPP commissioning before 01/01/2020 (for any installed capacity);
  • WPP commissioning after 01/01/2020 - for projects not subject to auctions;
  • PPA (power purchase agreement) signature before 31/12/2019 and WPP commissioning within 3 years after PPA signature.

The state support to WPPs that are subject to auctions is implemented by guaranteeing the buy-out of all electricity produced by the WPP under the auction price, with applicable bonuses, set in the PPA with the Guaranteed buyer.
All WPPs over 5 MW (with the exception of WPPs consisting of 3 wind turbines of any capacity) must participate in the auctions in order to receive the guaranteed state support.
Participation in the auctions for other WPPs is not mandatory.
If you wish to receive a preliminary estimate of a WPP project development cost, please fill in our questionnaire.