In accordance with the Law "On Electric Power Industry", for power generation facilities put into operation from July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2024, to the "green" tariff set allowance for observance of ukrainian production equipment level o use.
Allowance for compliance with the level of use of the ukrainian production equipment is a fixed surcharge to the "green" tariff.
Allowance is installed by the National Commission for state regulation in the energy sector and utilities (NKREKP), subject to such levels of use of the ukrainian production equipment:
Allowance for corresponding electric power object is set in monetary terms on each date of conversion of a fixed minimum amount of "green" tariff.
The level of ukrainian production equipment is determined as the sum of the respective percentages of specific equipment items.
If you have multiple identical items of equipment on the appropriate object specific percentage for this piece of equipment takes into account the level of utilization of the equipment of ukrainian origin only if each of these same elements has ukrainian origin.
It should be noted that for the private households allowance to the "green" tariff is not installed.
More about the elements indices of the equipment of ukrainian origin for each separate category of electric power facilities, which use "green" tariff, is indicated in Licensing and tariffs.