IKNET offers due-diligence services to investors looking to launch or continue the project implementation:
- Audit of operational renewable energy projects (solar, wind, biogas and biomass power plants);
- Audit of prospective (ready-to-build) renewable energy projects;
- Audit of operational and prospective consumer projects, etc.
After the due diligence we identify optimal options for connection to external networks, the budget required for the project, the estimated time of implementation and the expected period of commissioning, as well as possible risks.
Therefore, the Client, after receiving the results of the project audit, has all the background information to develop an optimal project concept or enough information to make a decision to purchase or not to purchase an existing facility.
During the due-diligence of operation projects IKNET performs:
- Design and as-built documentation;
- Land rights and land plot;
- Project permits and agreements;
- Grid connection scheme and cost;
- Heating networks;
- Renewable source (wind potential, solar irradiance, amount and quality of biomass and biogas);
- EPC and equipment manufacturers warranties;
- O&M agreement scope and guarantee of availability;
- HSE compliance;
- Financial model inputs (CAPEX and OPEX);
- Maintenance records – failures statistics, spare parts use, warranty activations etc.;
- Performance (analysis of vibration sensors in WTGs, electricity quality, availability ratio, power curve etc.).

Site inspection:
- Access and security;
- Visual audit of generation equipment (tables, solar modules, wind turbines) and electrical equipment (transformers, switchgears);
- Infrared imaging of electrical contacts (inverters, switchboards, etc.);
- Cable lines and grounding;
- For SPPs: infrared imaging of modules, I-V curve test;
- For WPPs: infrared imaging of WTG electrical equipment; blade audit and visual audit; oil and grease sampling and analysis;
For Biogas power plants:
- Composition of organic substrate / raw material;
- Check for materials for microorganisms immobilization;
- Anaerobic silt chemical analysis;
- Respect of temperature conditions;
- Absence of foam on the digestate surface in anaerobic bioreactor;
- Compliance of the bioreactor with fire safety requirements;
- Checking the agitators' operability, the sufficiency of the liquid level in the digester, whether the receiving tank is cleaned, whether the actual amount of methane meets the design;
- Inspection of proper homogenization and sterilization of solid waste;
- Inspection for the presence of tanks / storages of appropriate capacity for solid and liquid phase digestate;
- Review and analysis of appropriate software for process control and monitoring;
- Inspection of gas pipelines for leaks, pipes for "blockage", etc.
For Biomass:
- visual audit of the complete system;
- analysis of the monitoring and control system (SCADA).

Within the due diligence (audit) of prospective renewable energy projects, IKNET performs:
- Analysis of existing documents: In-depth analysis of existing project documentation (input data, technical conditions, project design, etc.) for compliance with norms and best practices.
- Study of the land plot: Collecting the inputs on the land plot required for the preliminary analysis of the project; performing the topographical surveys.
- Analysis of the legal framework: Determine the feasibility of the project within current legislation.
- Analysis of existing electrical grids:
- identification of possible grid connection options (at least two);
- calculation of grid connection costs;
- determination of the optimal connection option;
- Identification of bottlenecks and risks of RES facility curtailment.
- Analysis of heating networks:
- Identification of the nearest heat consumers and their demand;
- Identification and analysis of possible options for the heat supply;
- Calculation of the cost of implementing the heat supply scheme.
- Analysis of the potential of a renewable energy source:
- Analysis of the renewable energy source potential (wind speed and direction, solar radiation, quantity and quality of biomass and biogas);
- Conducting an independent long-term energy yield assessment;
- Determination of the maximum electrical and/or thermal capacity of the plant.
- Site analysis of biogas power plants:
- Determination of the availability of the area required for the storage of digester feedstock and the location of all necessary facilities of the biogas plant complex;
- Determine the availability and accessibility of the water supply source;
- Selection of basic equipment:
- Collection of data from manufacturers and suppliers of the main equipment (technical characteristics, price, delivery conditions, warranty service, etc.);
- Analysis and pre-selection of the main equipment;
- Determination of the availability of consulting support from the developer of the biogas plant project.

Within the audit of consumption facilities, IKNET performs:
Examples of projects WPP and SPPfor which audits have been performed.
- Analysis of existing documents: In-depth analysis of existing project documentation (input data, technical conditions, project design, etc.) for compliance with norms and best practices.
- Study of the land plot: Collecting the inputs on the land plot required for the preliminary analysis of the project; performing the topographical surveys.
- Analysis of the legal framework: Determine the feasibility of the project within current legislation.
- Analysis of existing electrical grids:
- identification of possible grid connection options (at least two);
- calculation of grid connection costs;
- determination of the optimal connection option.
- Analysis of heating networks:
- Identification and analysis of possible options for the heat supply;
- Calculation of the cost of implementing the heat supply scheme;
- Determination of the optimal heat supply option.
- Analysis of the external gas supply:
- Hydraulic calculation for the selection of pipes and equipment for the construction of the connection to the external gas network;
- Calculation of connection cost to the external gas network.
- Water supply studies:
- hydro-geological studies of the possibility of water supply to the object (description of characteristics of aquifers, including the Jurassic aquifer, with indicative characteristics of the chemical composition of water, definition of the geological structure and geostructural features of the Client's land plot);
- Calculation of the estimated costs for potable and technical water supply.
- Development of a drainage (wastewater) system:
- Development of a technical solution for the drainage system, determining the optimum location of the local sewage treatment plant;
- Calculation of the estimated costs of the drainage system.