Solar power plant up to 350 MW (Dnipropetrovsk region)

Essence of the Project: the construction of a solar power plant with capacity up to 350 MW outside the settlements of the Pokrovsk village council of the Nikopol district of the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Works executed by IKNET:

  • The feasibility study "The scheme of power output of a solar power plant with the capacity of up to 350 MW is developed (the final power of the solar power plant is determined at the stage of development of the feasibility study), the construction of which is planned outside the settlements of the Pokrovsk village council of the Nikopol district of the Dnipropetrovsk region";
  • The feasibility study was approved at PJSC "DTEK Dniprooblenergo", State Enterprise "NPC "Ukrenergo" and in all interested organizations.

According to the results of the feasibility study, the optimal capacity of the SPP (240 MW) was determined which can be realized in the specified region without major reconstruction of the power grids.