With the purpose of the proper functioning, any object needs to be connected to external power grids.
Main requirements of objects connection are defined by the Rules of connection electrical installation to the power grids, which were approved by Resolution of the National Commission for state regulation in the energy and utilities (NKREKP).
• Standard – 300 meters in a straight line distance to the existing grids belonging to the power transmission organization;
• Non-standard – more than 300 meters in a straight line distance to the existing grids belonging to the power transmission organization, the voltage level in the connection point is different from the power providing point and / or when exceeding the numerical values according to the standard steps for connection in accordance with the law.
In its turn, standard connection varies by degrees of power connecting, namely:
• 1 degree – to 16 kW including (from 1 January 2013);
• 2 degree – from 16 to 50 kW including (from 1 January 2015);
• 3 degree – from 50 to 160 kW including (from 1 January 2017).
Cost of the object connection to the power grids is calculated by electric transmission company according to the calculating payments methodic for each type of connection. For more details about standard connection fees.
Object connecting to the power grids is possible only after the Connection Agreement conclusion with the proper electric transmission company.
An integral annex to the Connection Agreement is technical specification that contains the main technical requirements of electric transmission company, the execution of which is necessary to connect the object to the power grids.
In some cases, before the conclusion of Connection Agreement and obtaining technical specification in order to determine the optimal scheme of the previous object connection to the external power grids, developing of feasibility study is necessary.
According to the requirements indicated in technical specification, a draft scheme of object connection to the external power grids is developed.
Based on the Project construction and installation works of object connection to the external power grids are carried out. The final stage of the object connection to the power grids is the conclusion of the relevant Agreement on electricity supply.