Solar Plant Monitoring System

If you are curious how will function solar power plant (hereinafter – SPP), installed on the roof or the faсade of your house, you need to install the monitoring system.

This system allows you to track the SPP efficiency both on the household territory directly and  remotely (anywhere in the world thanks to the Internet).

Monitoring parameters that tracked by System are:

• active and reactive power;

• voltage and current;

• frequency and total power;

• condition of switches and connections;

• emergency conditions of solar plant equipment.

Monitoring system data is displayed graphically using visualization  program of technological processes – SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) of Simatic WinCC System (Control Center Windows), running on OS Windows platform.

Monitoring System

In other words, in real time you can keep track of how much electricity generated by your SPP, how much electricity was consumed for the power supply of a private household and how much electricity is produced in external power grids. After analyzing the chart that can be displayed on your mobile phone, you can control the operation of your SPP. Of course, installation of the monitoring system is more reasonable for industrial SPP, but no one can forbid you install it for private SPP.

The estimated cost of the monitoring system is about 1,000 euros.