Algorithms of connection to the power grids

Standard algorithms of connection to the power grids


Standard connection -  client’s facility connection (except facilities designed for power generation) to existing power grids of Electricity Transmission Organization at a distance not exceeding 300 meters in a straight line from providing power point to the connection point which is differentiated by the level of client’s facility capacity: first level – up to 16 kW inclusive; second level - from 16 kW to 50 kW inclusive; third level - from 50 kW to 160 kW inclusive.


 Non-standard connection algorithm (for consuming facilities)


Non-standard connection – connection to existing power grids of a facility, with different level of voltage in connection point and providing power point and/or in case of distance and capacity exceeding  for standard connection, and facility designed for power generation.


Non-standard connection algorithm (for generation facilities)